Creating/Opening a Library¶
With TagStudio opened, start by creating a new library or opening an existing one using File -> Open/Create Library from the menu bar. TagStudio will automatically create a new library from the chosen directory if one does not already exist. Upon creating a new library, TagStudio will automatically scan your folders for files and add those to your library (no files are moved during this process!).
Refreshing the Library¶
In order to scan for new files or file changes, you’ll need to manually go to File -> Refresh Directories.
In the future, library refreshing will also be automatically done in the background, or additionally on app startup.
Adding Tags to File Entries¶
Click the "Add Tag" button at the bottom of the preview panel with one or more tags selected. Search for existing inside the new dialog popup or create a new one from. Click the “+” button next to whichever tags you want to add. Alternatively, after you search for a tag, press the Enter/Return key to add the first item in the list. Press Enter/Return once more to close the dialog box.
To remove a tag from a file entry, hover over the tag in the preview panel and click on the "-" icon that appears.
Adding Metadata Fields to File Entries¶
To add a metadata field to a file entry, start by clicking the “Add Field” button at the bottom of the preview panel. From the dropdown menu, select the type of metadata field you’d like to add to the entry.
Editing Metadata Fields¶
Text Line / Text Box¶
Hover over the field and click the pencil icon. From there, add or edit text in the dialog box popup.
Keyboard control and navigation is currently very buggy, but will be improved in future versions.
Creating Tags¶
To create a new tag, click on Edit -> New Tag from the menu bar. From there, enter a tag name, shorthand name, any tag aliases separated by newlines, any subtags, and an optional color.
- The tag shorthand is a type of alias that displays in situations when screen space is more valuable (ex. as a subtag for other tags).
- Aliases are alternate names for a tag. These let you search for terms other than the exact tag name in order to find the tag again.
- Subtags are tags in which this tag is a child tag of. In other words, tags under this section are parents of this tag. For example, if you had a tag for a character from a show, you would make the show a subtag of this character. This would display as “Character (Show)” in most areas of the app. The first tag in this list is used as the tag shown in parentheses for specification.
- The color dropdown lets you select an optional color for this tag to display as.
Editing Tags¶
To edit a tag, right-click the tag in the tag field of the preview pane and select “Edit Tag”
Relinking Renamed/Moved Files¶
Inevitably, some of the files inside your library will be renamed, moved, or deleted. If a file has been renamed or moved, TagStudio will display the thumbnail as a red tag with a cross through it (this icon is also used for items with broken thumbnails). To relink moved files or delete these entries, go to Tools -> Manage Unlinked Entries. Click the “Refresh” button to scan your library for unlinked entries. Once complete, you can attempt to “Search & Relink” any unlinked entries to their respective files, or “Delete Unlinked Entries” in the event the original files have been deleted and you no longer wish to keep their metadata entries inside your library.
There is currently no method to relink entries to files that have been renamed - only moved or deleted. This is a top priority for future releases.
If multiple matches for a moved file are found (matches are currently defined as files with a matching filename as the original), TagStudio will currently ignore the match groups. Adding a GUI for manual selection, as well as smarter automated relinking, are top priorities for future versions.
Deleting Tags¶
To delete a tag from your library, go to File -> Tag Manager, hover over the tag you wish to delete, and click the "-" icon that appears. You will be prompted to make sure you wish to delete this tag from your library and across all file entries.
Saving the Library¶
Libraries are saved upon exiting the program. To manually save, select File -> Save Library from the menu bar. To save a backup of your library, select File -> Save Library Backup from the menu bar.
Half-Implemented Features¶
Fix Duplicate Files¶
Load in a .dupeguru file generated by dupeGuru and mirror metadata across entries marked as duplicates. After mirroring, return to dupeGuru to manage deletion of the duplicate files. After deletion, use the “Fix Unlinked Entries” feature in TagStudio to delete the duplicate set of entries for the now-deleted files
While this feature is functional, it’s a pretty roundabout process and can be streamlined in the future.
Image Collage¶
Create an image collage of your photos and videos.
Collage sizes and options are hardcoded, and there's no GUI indicating the process of the collage creation.
Apply tags and other metadata automatically depending on certain criteria. Set specific macros to run when the files are added to the library. Part of this includes applying tags automatically based on parent folders.
Macro options are hardcoded, and there’s currently no way for the user to interface with this (still incomplete) system at all.
Gallery-dl Sidecar Importing¶
Import JSON sidecar data generated by gallery-dl.
This feature is not supported or documented in any official capacity whatsoever. It will likely be rolled-in to a larger and more generalized sidecar importing feature in the future.